Manufacturing Intelligence

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AI-based real-time facility/process monitoring solution


PIE has actualized the infrastructure that monitors facilities and spaces with CCTVs (IP cameras) to sense and detect anomalies(abnormality) such as failure and error, with AHHA Labs, an AI company.
It constantly realizes the advanced inspection and monitoring model through partial re-inspection and learning of anomaly events with an AI engine.

AI CCTV Solution

AI-based (automated) inspection and monitoring system of process/facility/infrastructure by using CCTVs

  • Real-time monitoring and detection
  • Provision of auto-learning/distribution tools

    Available to use the service with normal data input and mouse clicking only

  • Support of various alarm output

    Link with upper systems including PLC, I/O, interface (HW required), and MES

  • Support both On-premise /Cloud
  • CPU/Memory devices status monitoring

    Web-based SW

  • Detection event history browsing

    Web-based SW

LISA V consists of data learning PC and reasoning PC to determine anomaly.
It provides a web-based monitoring environment to check the status of learning, reasoning, and detection through integrated SW.